Monday, November 23, 2015

Worthless feelings

Always feel your emotions. It's your body telling you what you should do. But not all feelings are true. Some feelings come from your limiting believes. I call this feelings worthless. They are worthless because they don't help you . They only set you back. To  have better life you need to remove this feelings from your life.
The worthless feelings are fear, doubt, worry. They set you back in variety of ways. Remember all the good ideas you had in your a life. Ideas that could've made you rich. Or all those time you didn't talk to a girl because you felt fear. Because you had doubt  in yourself. Or all the times you worried with no reason. Think about all the time you spend worrying instead of taking action. This feelings set you back and once you find a way to defeat them your life will be great.
Look at a graveyard. It's a painful picture. The pain losing a loved one is great. But there's a greater pain. The pain of unfulfilled dreams. The regret of not acting on all the great ideas. It hurts a lot when one thinks what would have happened if every man that ever lived made  his ideas  reality. The world would've been a lot better place. And what's holding you back? Fear, doubt and worry.
One thing you need to know about fear is that fear is imaginary. You fear about something in the future. And the future doesn't exist. You live in the present moment. And the present moment is only important to you. Don't let fear hold you back. You don't fall a sleep at night because of fear of ghosts? No. So don't let fear stop you from achieving your dreams. Don't be afraid to take steps. Start small. Forget about fear. Follow the three second rule. When you've got an idea act on it in three seconds or less. This way you are giving fear less time to take control of you. Don't be afraid from failure. Failure doesn't exist. Every failure is great learning experience. So look at failure as a good thing.
Worry is similar with fear. All the what ifs you ask yourself everyday stop you from taking action. Worries like fears are imaginary. They don't help they set you back. You worry about failing. You worry about tomorrows test. You worry about your girlfriend cheating on you. You spend half of your day worrying. And this activity is toxic to you. It doesn't bring you any result. Instead of sitting down and taking action. Action that will lead to result, you sit down and make all this scenarios in your head and just waste your time.
Doubt kill your dreams. Doubting yourself and your capabilities leads to all your fears and worries. These self-doubts come from your limiting believes. Doubts hold you back from becoming your greatest version and making impact on the world. Doubts destroy your potential. So never doubt yourself. You are great. You can achieve great things. Nothing can stop you from having the life you want. Only you decide how successful you'll be.
Believe in your self. Believe that you're great. Tell your self stories everyday about your greatness and how you can achieve anything. After some time this will destroy your doubts. Which will lead to life without fear and worry.

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