Thursday, November 19, 2015

The circle of success!

The magic circle I'm about to talk today is one of the most important things you can learn in your life. Once you enter in this circle it means that your on the path of living the life of your dreams. Once you enter you will only get better and everything you work will be easy and wonderful. Your work will be fun and you won't have to worry anymore about your financial freedom.
This circles has four points. Every point makes the other three stronger. The four points are belief, potential, action, result.
Do you believe you can succeed. Do you believe you can have successful business? Do you believe you can be great? Do you believe in yourself and in your skills? Believe is the starting point. You must always have a strong believe in yourself. You can achieve great things only if you believe you can. Always say I can. I've talked about changing beliefs in the past. The easiest ways are writing your goals and reading them at least 10 times a day. The other thing you can do is to see yourself as you've already accomplished the goal. Simply visualization. This will  motivate you. It will give you fresh ideas. And most importantly it will help you change your belief system.
If you believe you can succeed than you have the potential to succeed. Potential is the second point on the road. The more potential you have the more you will be willing to take actions. The more you believe in yourself the potential in you will rise.
Potential leads to action. Action is the most important step. Here comes the magic. Once you've taken your first step you'll become addicted. New ideas will flow through to you. You will take everyday bigger and bigger steps. Your life will start changing in front of your eyes. The more action you take the better man you become. Nothing can stop you. You choose what you want and you take it. Action always leads to a result.
Result is the final point of the circle. In the beginning you will take small action. This is normal. But this small action will give you a result, a positive feedback. Someone would acknowledge your work. This small result will spark great things. The first result you get is the spark that starts the fire. Every other result will make the fire stronger. This fire will help you burn all the obstacles on your path. You will focus on your goal and do whatever it takes to achieve it. Every great feedback will make you happier. Small success will lead to bigger and in couple of years after you look from the top you will be amazed with the things you have achieved.
Result brings you to the beginning of the circle. Every result reinforces your belief. This increases your potential. The more potential, the bigger action you take. The bigger the action the greater the result. It is always the hardest to make the first 100 dollars from your business. But once you have nothing can stop you on your way to millions. So change your beliefs to change your life. It's easy and simple. And remember work hard and never give up. Success doesn't come overnight. But once you enter in the circle you will be addicted to success and nothing will stop in creating your dream life. Start today, make small changes invest in your future. Great things are waiting for you. You just need to take the right action to acquire them.

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