Friday, November 20, 2015

The biggest hidden treasure!

Looking through the books I have at home I found a weird map. Map that leads to the biggest treasure ever. This treasure is for everyone. Everyone who is ready to embark on a journey. Are you ready to learn the secret and live abundant live forever?
This treasure is buried in the most unexpected place. It's buried deep inside yourself. You've read it right. The most valued treasure is you. This treasure contains everything you need to know and do to have the life of your dreams. You are here with with purpose. You just need to dig deep inside yourself to find it. After you have  found it, you shall work every day and achieve that purpose.
On this journey of manifesting your purpose you have help by the most powerful computer ever. Your subconscious mind. So far this article is a little bit crazy I know. But wait don't leave. There is more crazy stuff coming.
The subconscious mind is the silent mind. It works every day consistently in  the background. Its job is to control your breathing, your digestion, your heartbeat. As you can see it's a lot more powerful than the conscious mind. Or the mind you use for solving logical problems, like deciding if you will read this article or not. Somehow people forget about the subconscious mind. But it's a very powerful tool. Once you learn how to use it your dreams will become reality.
Like 95% of the people you don't believe in this but let me explain further. Your conscious mind works only while you are awake and can do only one thing at a time. Right now you are reading this article and you are not thinking about anything else. You may say well while I read this article I listen to music. But that's not true because you focus one moment on the reading and one moment on the music. You can't focus on two things in the same using you conscious mind.
On the other hand are you conscious of your breathing?You may be if you try. You are not conscious of your heartbeat. You don't control your digestion. You don't control which information your brain process. You don't control your perception. This is done by the subconscious mind. It works 24/7. But as any other  computer, this mind is quite dumb. It can't make difference between reality and imagination. And here comes to work your conscious mind.
If you want to use the subconscious mind in the most effective way you need to learn to control your conscious mind. Every thought you think in a day has an impact on the subconscious mind. So learn to control your conscious mind. That is why in my previous post I talked about the Law of Attraction. The basis of the Law is visualization. When you see yourself as you have already accomplished your goal your subconscious mind really thinks that you have accomplished the goal. But there is no evidence in real life so it starts working hard to find evidence. That is why you start getting new ideas. Yous start seeing things that you didn't see before. The subconscious mind thinks the goal is accomplished so it works 24/7 to support this. So to use this amazing flaw of the subconscious mind you need to learn how to focus on one thing for at least five minutes a day.
I recommend first finding your purpose. Find something the you most want to achieve this moment. Don't worry because as you grow as person your purpose will grow. So now your purpose may be to get rich. Set goals that will help you achieve this purpose. Visualize everyday as you have accomplished these goals. Once the subconscious mind gives you directions act on them and see your dreams become reality.
It's hard to take control immediately of your conscious mind. It's like a monkey and jumps all the time from one thought to other. The only way to take control is to mediate. Start meditating for 5 minutes a day and each week increase for 5 more minutes. This process is long and hard. Follow my blog for more on meditation I  have some interesting things in store for you.
So from today's lessons you need to remember:
The biggest treasure is in your self. It's your knowledge and your life purpose. Use them to have the best possible life.
Use your subconscious mind to help you achieve your purpose.
Learn to control your conscious mind to give the best possible commands to the subconscious mind.
This process is hard and long but don't give up. It's worth a lot.

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