Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Secrets of success

There are laws governing everything in nature. That means there are laws governing success. You need to follow certain things if you really want success in life. Soon I will discover these secrets to you and you can say hi to your new successful self.
First you need to change your attitude and your believes. Think positively.Always believe in yourself. Believe that you can achieve anything you want. Be open minded, accept new ideas. Always look in a positive way in everything. Be grateful for everything you have. Believe you can succeed and success is guaranteed to you. If you tell a lie to yourself a lot of times it becomes truth. So tell yourself positive stories every day. Don't say I don't have money. Say I don't have a lot of money now, but in the future I will. Don't say I can't afford that, say I choose not to spend money on that right now. This is one the easiest way to change your attitude and star believing in limitless possibilities.
Stop feeling fear and doubt. I talked yesterday about this. Fears and doubts kill your dreams and your ideas. So remove them completely from your life. Stop doubting yourself. Remember that fear is false. Read my article from yesterday to learn more about fear and doubt.
Decide what you really want. This is hard for a lot of people. With so much choice is hard to decide what we really want. Usually it's not money that we want, it's things that money get us. So make a list first of what you don't want. For example I don't have enough money, the opposite will be I have always a lot of money. But don't just put a lot, put an exact sum. For example I earn 10000 dollars a month. Decide what you really want. Set goals to help you accomplish your purpose.
The best way to earning money is helping other people. This is the fourth secret. What are you willing to do help other people. For example I started this blog to help a lot of people. I like to read a lot of self-development books and books about making money. So I decided to share my knowledge with the world. I know I can help. Find what you really want to do and see how that can help people. You may be passionate about dogs. You know a lot of stuff about dogs. You can start a dog related blog where you give useful advice for people who have never had a dog in their life had . This way you can help a lot of people that don't have experience with dogs.
The fifth and most important secret is taking action. Most of the ideas fail because people who have them don't act on them. They always leave things for tomorrow. And tomorrow never comes. Every time they get inspired they say I will start tomorrow. They love the feeling of inspiration. It's like masturbation for the brain. You feel inspired, motivated and it's great but when it's time time to take action you start to anxious. So decide to take action and take it immediately. Don't wait for tomorrow because tomorrow never comes.
To sum up the secrets of success. There are five secrets:
1. Think positively.
2. Stop feeling fear and doubt.
3.Decide what you really want.
4. Help others.
5. Act on your ideas.

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