Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Effort and patience

In this world you can only control one thing. That's yourself. You can't control other people. You can't control their opinion about you. You can't control the views you get or the products people buy from you. The only thing you can control is your effort. You can control how much time, money, energy you put in your work.
If you really want success you need to put a lot of effort. You need to put effort in marketing, in writing content, in getting new information, in learning. Success doesn't come easy. The effort you give will cost you time, energy and money. These are the most valuable resources you have.
Time is the most important thing. You need to spend a lot of time learning, writing, promoting your content or products. We are often pushed for time. We sometimes struggle to find time for even the most important things like cooking our food. That is why you need to learn how to efficiently organize your time. Time is your most important resources because you can't compensate for lost time.You can't buy time. So you need to make a list of things you need to do in one day and put time next to them. Make a schedule. You need to find time for creating content or product, time for learning and research about your topic, time for meditation and visualization and time for exercise. Also you need to find time for promoting the content you create, but this is not important as the things above because you can pay to promote your content and don't spend a single minute a day on this. The list above is long. It's hard to get everything done on the list especially if you go to school or have a regular job. So creating a daily schedule and sticking to it is very important. Write your schedule now and follow it every. It requires a lot of effort but will bring you success.
Following the schedule above not only consumes a lot of time but consumes a lot of energy. But it's your choice you decide to spend all that energy to create something meaningful and become successful. As I said above you will need to put a lot of effort and energy especially if you are short on money. Working on a tight budget means spending extra energy on promoting and creating content. If you have a big budget you can pay for some to create the products for you, to write the blog posts for you. But when you don't have enough money you will spend a lot of energy and time promoting your content and products. This long process can be tiring and boring. but remember you have to work hard to be successful. You need a lot of patience to become successful. So hustle everyday and don't worry if you don't get the wanted results in the first couple of months. Create a plan and stick to it.
Money can buy you some time. I said above that money can't buy you time, but money can help you save time. Instead of spending time to manually promote your website on social media, you can pay to get traffic. This process will help you save a lot of time and energy, since promoting is on the hardest things.
You won't get rich quick. Remember that you need to spend a lot of energy and effort to be successful. Success doesn't come overnight so be patient. Work hard and after some time the results will come. When you are beginning the hardest thing is to earn your first 100 dollars. Once you start earning it will become easier and easier and you will make more and more money. So don't worry about other people do your on thing, put a lot of effort, be patient and success will come to you.

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